Why Is There An Economic Crises?

Why is there so much confusion surrounding the economy? The people who have been making the most money are the ones crying for the government to 'bail' them out. Out of what? Are they drowning in all that greedily gotten wealth? The automakers, petroleum pigs, real estate 'developers' are at the top of the list of people who, have without conscience, robbed the American people throughout the reign of their benefactors (Bush & Cheney). Now, while choking on a wad of hundred dollar bills, they are going after the tax money of the people who actually work for a living. They like to bluster and cry that they are 'losing' money. Not one of them has 'lost' money one single day in the existence of their organizations. When you make an exorbitant projection of how much you will make next quarter and fail to reach that outrageous goal, you have not 'lost' money. Failed to reach an unattainable goal for sure, but 'lost' money just as surely Not.
The question hangs over the country like a great weight; Will the next administration do anything about these pigs and their obscene greed? Or will it be graft and corruption as usual? Hopefully the aforementioned Hogs have gone far enough this time to affect some of the wealthier and more powerful among us who have the means to bring a halt to some of it at least.
How did this country of the people, by the people, etc. digress to the state that the people are losing their homes because of the actions of the very, very greedy? We turned a blind eye to the machinations in Washington, D.C.
We had worked ourselves into relatively comfortable lifestyles and never suspected for a moment that it would all be taken away by the same people who were sworn to protect and serve.
Nothing confusing about it. Greed. Simple, severe, Greed.

Author: James Mizzell

About the author:
I am James Mizzell, owner of 3 websites;
I am retired and living in sunny Florida.

Article source: Free Bankruptcy Articles.


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