US Economic Collapse Imminent

As we get closer to 'it' happening, I want to once again remind you: DO NOT BE AFRAID.

A group of us decided quite some time ago that some really serious problems with this country could only be solved in one particular way and we undertook plans to solve those problems. Those plans are complete. All the pieces are in place.

As we get closer to the date upon which those problems will be solved, it is important to prepare you, the general public.

Rather than get into some long-winded manifesto, I'll state the facts simply:

1) This nation went to war in Iraq based upon deliberate lies by the President of the United States about non-existent weapons of mass destruction. over 655,000 innocent, unarmed Iraqi men, women and children died as a result. The President deserves to be punished for that.

2) When the lies about non-existent WMD came to light, the Congress refused to do anything to put a halt to the war. They deserve to be punished for that.

3) Barack Obama ran for President despite knowing he was not eligible because he is not a natural born citizen of the United States as required by the Constitution. When the issue came to light, he or his campaign placed a FORGED Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth on the Internet to deceive the American people into allowing an ineligible person to be President. As such, his election is completely invalid and we see no reason to permit him to take office.

4) When honest, decent, hard-working citizens in over 20 states filed legal actions to challenge Obama's citizenship and eligibility for President, over 20 State Court Judges aided and abetted the usurpation of the Presidency by dismissing the cases without even looking into the issue. Those Judges deserve to be punished for that.

5) When litigants in the aforementioned cases appealed to the federal district courts and later Circuit Courts of Appeal, they were once again thwarted by Judges who aided and abetted the usurpationof the Presidency. Those federal Judge deserve to be punished.

5) When several litigants in the aforementioned lawsuits appealed to the US Supreme Court, the court repeatedly refused to even hear the cases. As the highest court in the land they should have stepped far more carefully. Instead, they too aided and abetted the usurpation of the Presidency. The Supreme Court Justices deserve to be severely punished.

6) When the economy fell apart, the Chairman of the federal reserve and the Secretary of the Treasury both sought hundreds of billions in 'bailout' money to help avert complete financial collapse. Both men promised 'transparency' and a full accounting of who got how much and what the public got as collateral in return. Here we are, weeks after the money was given, both the federal reserve and the Treasury REFUSE to divulge who got how much and what the taxpayer got as collateral. The Chairman of the federal reserve and the Secretary of the Treasury deserve to be punished for their repeated deceptions.

In summation, we presently suffer:
a) a lying, cheating murderously-war-waging existing President;
b) a Congress that refused to do its duty to stop an illegal and unjust war,
c) a Constitutionally ineliigble incoming president elect;
d) judges at the state, federal district, federal circuit and Supreme Court levels that are aiding and abetting the usurpation of the Presidency;
e) a treacherous lying, deceitful federal reserve chairman, and;
f) an overt lying, cheat as secretary of the Treasury.

By themselves, any one or even two of these problems would be merely an illness that the Republic could deal with. Suffering all of these problems at the same time amounts to Cancer. A cancer that is killing our Republic.

There are only two ways to deal with cancer: either you kill it or it kills you.

As a thinking person, it ought to be plain to you at this point, what solution we have in mind and why we're telling you repeatedly, in advance to be not afraid.

Those of you who are familiar with this blog know I choose my words very carefully. I say things like '. . . . . deserves to be. . . . . . , we should . . . . . , we may have to . . . . . . , I wouldn't shed a tear if . . . . . .' and so on. Today, I choose my words just as carefully when I say We are going to do what HAS to be done to confront and solve these problems.

When it happens, do not be afraid. This has needed to happen for a very long time to protect this Republic and the USA will be better off once it does happen.

Author: John S.

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Article source: Free Bankruptcy Articles.


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