When I prognos. credit crunch and gloom of economy in the spring 2008, some people from outside rings of corporate world didn't believe me, some enterprenuers as well, for example host of Dragon's Den, that their retail results claim profit, not fall.Sharp fall started after Day Zero with fall of banks and 1st bailout but many people as watchers remember fall of Bingley bank etc.This was the first sign of huge earthquake.Now we hit lower bottom of high unemployment, state deficit, the second bailout and seeking where is the final bottom and than jump and rise back.Well,I can forecast from our financial analysis and modeling situation, the recession , if world will cooperate and UK hasn't really another option than 2nd bailout, better than more printed money and inflation so high as in Zimbabwe, will last max.1,5 year.But...inflation felt down and our financial and political situation is stabilis.Numbers of redundance aren't nice and will increase, but this economic earthquake will finish sooner than economical crisis in the 1930s.We need only see, this crisis isn't problem of USA or UK, it is global village and look on credit crunch as warning finger stuck in air and showing on us as consumers with waste.Now isn't time for attacking and cry.It is time for action and internal peace and seeking joy in not material things and also simple counting what is necessary for living and spending, when people are struggling with finances
The first rule for all nations is to stay in good, positive mood.It is hard but these things happen and will happen.take it as fact.If you read Ernest Hemingway's novel The Old Man and The Sea, it is briefly about old man lost in the sea when hunting fish of his dreams, alone, without help.Apply on this situation.In cruel conditions for staying alive you need concentrate and keep going - simple, if there is frost and you finish walking, you can die from frost.Another situation in downing in the water is, not kicking victim, because she can down you, so stay calm, cooperate with water and try to stay on water.How together?I think you understand.So what to do when you are suddently unemployment?
1.Trust to your family or good friends, speak with them, share your fear and problems.
2.Stay in touch with former colleagues, in networking, for positive mood, for better chance to find new job.
3.Fix and stay on your ordinary daily regime.It is taken from sailors on one boat travelling around thw world and staying on basic routine as daily times for meal, relax, sailing, sleeping and small security in dry meal, clean socks and order in things,Work is good healer and changing mood in positive way.Staying busy and finding some work in your house and staying in the same time of waking up, writting goals for seeking job and what to do during day as jobless like gardnering, drawing, helping old grandmother, visiting friends is very important.Plan programm, keep fit, walking.
4.Educate yourself.For qualification and better chance to have new job or only fullfilling old dreams to know how bake, dance, learn Spanish, chess.
5.Create a plan for jon searching, think, what branch of jobs you can need and are suitable for you or what you can offer for job, job positions, think about lowering bar for job rank or salary limit.Think in reality.Find websites, newspapers or ads on job office, ask friends and email your CV to companies and keep this routine every working day on the same basic.You can be without landing job still, but you know, you do everything for situation to have a job.Hope dies as last thing.You are not on endless sea.
6.Don't give up.if you seek the work you seek the work and you know, situation isn't easy.Stay in positive mood and without swearing or seeing things black.Tie belt, but smile.Japanese smile when telling about death, we are alive.Think how our ancestors had worse conditions than we have.
7.Prepare for every interview, search informations about companu, position, praise yourself and find connections and your pros what you can offer,
8.Don't blame yourself, your close family or friends.Don't make from yourself cheap slave or submisive idiot.Take the situation as reality and fact.There is credit crunch,Credit crunch was hee in 1990s, 1980s.Still you can ask for psychiatric help if you are at your personal buttom, but remember, people like you and after every rain the sun goes out.The sea has seaside and ports.
Good luck.I have also hard times, but remember old Churchill's proverb for my family:If you are in bullet, stay in.His speech about lonely United Kingdom in WWII was strong speech and I tell you:We will fight.
Author: Marketa Linden
About the author:
Marketa Linde is CEO of coorporate and marketing company CommuniCat with offices in London and New York.Born in Czech republic comes originally from paternal line of House of Windsor from sole child - illegitimate son of former HM King Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor as his oldest granddaughter, born as HRH Princess Marketa Helena of Bohemia, from May 2006 as Duchess of Windsor.
Article source: Free Bankruptcy Articles.
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