If you have been not been living under a rock for the past 2 years you now realise how bad the credit crisis is. People losing houses, people refused credit, the stockmarket collapsing, pension funds shrinking. Just when it seemed that it couldn't get any worse, the start of 2009 isnt what you would call a dreamboat adventure.
People dont realise that the current collapse of the US is just that. People think this is just a stockmarket collapse. Obama has even said that the economy is weak but will get stronger later on in the year 2009. This is indeed wrong, and when Obama takes office he will realise that he will do too little to late and as the US spirals downhill.
It's almost impossible for Obama to save the economy now due to :-
1) Other countries refusing to lend money to the US governments.
2) The amount of money that has been printed and in circulation.
3) The stockmarket is 30% lower than its highs in 2007. It would take a miracle rally to take it back up to the highs.
4) The bond markets are being downgraded and on the verge of full collapse.
5) Interest rates are sitting near 0% now. You can't go minus interest rates or you face massive hyper inflation like japan saw 15 years ago.
6) The US is now the worst debtor nation we have ever seen.
7) The Federal reserve claim that the US economy is fine yet they sit in capitol hill each week begging for money.
8) The commercial real estate industry is on the verge of collapsing.
9) Foreign countries are selling the US dollar and it is devaluing at a rapid rate.
10) The US recession is now it full swing, and the job loss numbers are increasing every day.
Author: John S.
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Article source: Free Bankruptcy Articles.
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